Mauston/New Lisbon Union Airport

City of Mauston logo  Juneau county logo  City of New Lisbon logo

FAA Identifier:  


Lat/Long:  43-50-19.5602N / 090-08-15.8408W
43-50.326003N / 090-08.264013W
43.8387667 / -90.1377336
Elevation:  908 ft. / 276.8 m (surveyed)
AWOS:  Frequency; 123.925,
Phone# 608-562-6153

The 2024 Fly-In date is July 6, 2024 – Independence Day weekend! For more information visit our EAA 1365 website fly-in page.

Fuel Prices:

100 LL – $5.18,  Jet A – $4.80
Self Service

More Runway Information – AirNav

Volk Field Contact Information:
Information: 800-972-8673
ATIS: 120.475   257.85
AWOS: 82C 123.925   608-562-6153
Ground: 121.9   275.8
Tower: 127.5   239.25
Approach: 135.25   244.875
Departure: 135.25   244.875
Emergency: 121.5   243.0
CTAF:  127.5


In a joint Common Council meeting on May 9, 1968, a new airport ordinance was passed. A Union Airport Commission was formed and land owned by Robert Walker was purchased to build the airport on. The airport continues to grow with new hangars and more airplanes dropping in for fuel or to visit!

We have a very active EAA club here on our airport. Visit their website here:

Courtesy Car available upon request  – call 608-347-7027 or 608-547-2227